| MONDAY, June 10, 2002 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM | Room: 294
| An Introduction to Embedded Software: Issues, Tools and Methods - for HW and EDA Designers
| Organizers: Marco Di Natale
| The tutorial focuses on the main problems related to embedded software design. We have divided the tutorial into 4 parts. The first part is an overview, which covers architectural models as well as tradeoffs and fundamental issues in the design and development of the softwarestructure, from hardware dependent software to operating system, middleware and application layers. The second part addresses real-time operating systems, real-time analysis and guaranteed scheduling.
This section starts with an overview of common RTOS architectures and services and a discussion of major commercial RTOS capabilities together with real-life implementationissues.
Current best practices in real-time scheduling and resource management, starting from the well-known Rate Monotonic policy are addressed.
The third and fourth section cover ESW methodology and tools focusing on how to achieve higher productivity through automation. The tutorial introduces the use of visual design notations to describe embedded programs and features a survey of existing CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) tools that provide higher productivity and higher quality software by generation of code from visual designs. Among the existing models and tools, the tutorial focuses especially on UML (Unified Modeling Language) and SDL (Specification and Description Language), today the dominant visual design notations.Capabilities and limitations of both models in the context of real design practice are discussed.
The talks will also emphasize future trends and take a look at advanced issues such as the perspectives for a two language merger and the evolution of the standards.
| Speaker(s): | Frank Pospiech - Alcatel, Zaventem, Belgium
Krithi Ramamritham - Indian Institute of Tech., Bombay, India
Bran Selic - Rational Software, Kanata, ON, Canada
Gjalt de Jong - Telelogic Components AB, Leuven, Belgium